FredTheCat   FredTheCat   (SweetMeows!)

The ongoing adventures of a cat named Fred. Includes cat observations, wisdoms, philosophies, and poetry.

:: EVERYTHING You Need To Know Can Be Learned From A Cat.

:: When in doubt; take a nap.

:: Exploring The World; Looking For The Answer.

.: I'd rather go naked than wear fur. It's damn hot in here!

.: Vampires vs. Werewolves? Hmmmmmm. Flying Rats vs. Steroidal Dogs. I eat one and chase the other off my property! Guess which ;)

:: Favorite Books ::
.: Cat In The Hat
.: Cat's Cradle: A Novel
.: Puss In Boots
.: The Catterbury Tales

.: "Hello Freddy!!!" is what Hello Kitty says to me...

.: Likes artists.

.: Watching the world through my living room window is like watching the world through my computer screen...

.: We're so smart, we can embed an entire encyclopedia in one "Meow"...

.: Excuse me while I lick this pie... Mmmmmm, apple pie...

.: Smile to the future and it will smile back to you. RT @yokoono

.: Moon Cat :.

.: I eat "free range organic mouses".

.: Every time I eat 1 mouse; 2 more show up. Silly mouses! **BURP**

.: YaaawwwnnnMeow... (at the same time)


.: Likes The Jump Around (music video)

.: Do The Freddie And Jump (music video)


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© Fredric Katikova /

Some images and text not included in copyright.
